Catch Up

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Engage. Ideate. Collaborate. Co-create.
You. Your business. And an engaged cohort to transform it.

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An exclusive opportunity only for entrepreneurs, business-owners, ideators

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For start-ups, aspiring entrepreneurs, academicians, enthusiasts, and anyone who is curious


A rare privilege to be part of the inner circle.

The zoners are a unique tribe. They fuel aspirations. Envision possibilities for businesses and curate experiences that get the community to destinations unimagined yet. They belong to the out-of-the-box thought school. They build cohorts and nurture ambitions. The zoners are committed to building a truly one-of-its-kind online global community.

  • Ramesh Bhoopathi Raju

    Lives, breathes, speaks tech. Eternal optimist.

  • K Shivapirakasan

    Team player. Loves SOPs. Forever learning.

  • S. Venkatesh

    Ideator. Sets the vision (and the deadlines). The big-picture man.